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Conspiracies Are Running Wild On Mizzou Football Whistleblower Who Allegedly Stunk At Tutoring


Yesterday, sanctions came down on Mizzou thanks to a tutor allegedly taking incoming tests for players.

For obvious reasons, Missouri wasn’t too happy with the sanctions. They felt the NCAA overstepped their bounds (shocker). They will appeal the postseason ban and knowing how fast the NCAA works, that will be resolved in 2021. So, in the mean time, Mizzou fans are hear to provide us with a little bit of entertainment.

The apparent whistleblower is Yolanda Kumar, who took to Twitter to tell her side of the story (she has deleted her Twitter):

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Translation: Yolanda cannot tutor NCAA athletes for 10 years, which is weird considering that she seemed to have helped out the NCAA in their investigation. According to her, she cannot find work now. Another great job by the NCAA.

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Cocaine Matty Mauk strikes again!!!!!

Ironically, Yolanda was awarded tutor of the month at one point:

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And she was given a shirt with her name on the back for being such a good tutor:


Former Mizzou player Kentrell Brothers took to Twitter to point out that he did not think Yolanda’s tutoring skills were up to par:

Yolanda hit back:

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Last night, Yolanda created a GoFundMe, looking for “legal expenses:”

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That GoFundMe has since been deleted.

Now to some of the Mizzou fans responses:

This is a former tutor. The “ethical” part made me laugh.

Mizzou fans are also pointing out that the NCAA vice president of enforcement (what a wild organization this is) went to rival Kansas for law school:

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There are also tweets saying this is all a “scheme” by Yolanda Kumar to obtain money for tuition.

Never a quiet day in the SEC. Never.

In other news, it looks like Kelly Bryant will be staying regardless: