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How About The Pope Coming Out Firing And Stating 1 In 50 Priests Is A Pedophile?


VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis has revealed that around one in every 50 Catholic priests is a paedophile. Condemning the issue as a ‘leprosy’ which infects the Church, the Pontiff was yesterday reported as claiming that even bishops and cardinals are among the ‘2 per cent’ carrying out child abuse. He also said that many more in the Church are guilty of covering it up, adding: ‘This state of affairs is intolerable.’

BOLD business strategy by Un Papa admitting 2% of your employees are child molesters. There are no PR people in Vatican City? If you’re trying to sewer your company as a CEO, admitting one out of 50 of people on your payroll are pedophiles is a sure fire way to close up shop. Yes, we already knew this was a problem in the Catholic Church. It’s disgusting, despicable, and everyone should give Pope Francis major credit for admitting it exists and needs to be eliminated. Pope Benedict would still be sweeping this issue under the rug along next to his Hitler Youth memorabilia. But it’s obviously not good for business. There are so many fake Catholics out there right now who are just itching for a reason not to attend mass on Easter and Christmas. Now their children statistically have a better shot of being diddled than opening a Capri-Sun on the first attempt (0% chance as a kid). Another sect, religion or, even better, apathy all look like better options at this point.