Matthew McConaughey Goes Full Frontal In New Movie And Says It Will Be The First Time We Find Out If He's A "Savage Cock" Or "Longbranch"
(Skip to 3:50 mark to hear him talk about this scene)
So Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway have a new movie out and apparently Matthew McConaughey is buck naked in the movie. He said he doesn’t remember being full frontal naked but after people saw the movie they’ve been saying there’s a full frontal scene of him. Stephen Colbert asks if this will be the first time he knows if he’s cute and Matthew McConaughey responds by saying it will be the first time we find out if he’s a “savage cock” or “longbranch.” This escalated quickly. (classic alcohol humor)
Anne Hathaway hasn’t been doing the best job at selling this movie considering she posted this long note on Instagram saying some critics don’t understand the movie like she does…
Looks like Matthew McConaughey might have saved the day by selling the shit out of this movie with a full frontal scene. People will be lining up to see his dick. That’s a fact.