
Azealia Banks Calls the Irish 'Fucking Ugly Inbred Leprechauns' and I've Never Been So Aroused

SourceAzealia Banks begged Conor McGregor to ‘help her’ after she unleashed another vile social media rant aimed at Irish people, days after she branded them ‘f***ing ugly’ on Instagram.

The 27-year-old rapper made her initial comments on her Instagram account, after storming off an aircraft scheduled to fly from London’s Gatwick Airport to Dublin, following a row with an Aer Lingus air stewardess.

A day later she then branded Irish people ‘inbred’, ‘leprechauns’ and asked if they ‘had a famine to go die in’ in a series of social media comments.

Before the sickening outburst Conor McGregor had watched the rapper’s Instagram story and messaged her saying, ‘hahaha. See you soon.’ …

Responding to another follower in another offensive comment, she wrote: ‘Because most of you can’t talk or write lol.

‘You lot are a bunch of prideful inbred leprechauns who have ZERO global influence and ZERO white privilege. The rest of the world’s white folk don’t want to associate with you lot at all and it’s because you are barbarians.’

Continuing her rant, she wrote: ‘I’m happiest knowing the Irish are quarantined on an isle so they can continue to inbreed and keep their defective genes away from humanity.’

AndShe went on to blast the airline on her Instagram and make multiple comments about “ugly Irish women”.

“I’ve worked too hard in my life to be cornered by some f*cking ugly Irish b*tch. These f*cking ugly Irish women here.” …

Banks then said she was sick of the “oompa loompa looking spray tanned, crazy looking b***hes” who “have scurvy”.

Speaking not only for me but for most Irishmen, Azealia Banks doesn’t need help from our current Godking, Conor McGregor. I’m not mad. I think I’m in love.

Why would anyone think the Irish would be upset about being told we’re a bunch of inbred, ugly, Oompa Loompa leprechauns with when we’ve been saying the same thing since Palladius and Patrick landed in the 430s A.D. Hell, I’m pretty sure “Keeping Their Defective Genes Away from Humanity” is the subtitle of The Book of Kells. Walk into any pub on the South Shore of Boston and yell “Hey you inbred leprechaun!” and more heads will turn than if you yelled “Hey Sully!” or “This round’s on me.”

So, a million Irish starved, suffered and die horribly during a 10-year famine while the Crown was exporting food everywhere else around the British Empire. It got my family here, at least. Azealia saying it and how we’ve got zero global influence and zero white privilege just proves she knows her history. I don’t know what’ll do for ticket sales in Galway, but truth is a defense against libel. And saying we’re fucking ugly barbarians who can’t read or write probably just means she’s been reading my Barstool posts.

So no, I ain’t mad. I’m smitten. It’s like she’s looked into my soul and knew exactly how to speak to me to make it move. Azealia Banks is a hot, saucy little minx who knows just how to talk dirty to a man. So this is what love feels like? I like it.
