
Miguel Cabrera’s Two Kids With His Mistress Are The Real Winners Of His Scandal - $20K a Month And TONS of Free Vacations

Detroit Tigers v Boston Red Sox


Detroit Tigers first baseman Miguel Cabrera’s off-field fiasco has finally come to an end as a Florida judge has ordered him to pay $20,000 a month in child support to an ex-mistress he fathered two children with and pay off her nearly $1 million mansion by July.

According to Florida court documents obtained by the Detroit Free Press, the Detroit slugger must also pay for health care, private tuition, day care, extra-curricular activities and vacations for the two children.This is on top of the $20,000 a month he will pay their mother, Belkis Rodriguez, who lives in a gated community in Orlando with the children. Cabrera must also pay for the woman’s attorney fees.

Scandals are always tough, especially on the kids when they’re involved. Court hearings are brutal, parents are fighting, this and that. Unless….the man in front of the scandal has an albatross contract and the judge orders him to hook the kids up for life. In those cases, I wish I was a child in the middle of this debacle. Miguel Cabrera’s scandal with his mistress has come to a conclusion and the judge has ordered him to pay $20k a month to the ex-mistress and the two children he fathered with her. He also has to pay off her million dollar mansion off by July. Now let’s get to the kids because that’s the focal point of this blog.

It also revealed the two children he fathered with her. The boy is now 6; the girl 3. Both of them will also get vacations equal to what the children Cabrera has with his marital wife, under the court order. The judge also ordered that Cabrera provide the children with perks, like annual passes to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World.

For a six and three year old that sounds incredible. Every time Miggy takes his kids with his marital wife on vacation he has to pay for the other kids to do the same. YOU GET A VACATION AND YOU GET A VACATION EVERYONE GETS VACATIONS!! Who doesn’t love vacations? The Cabrera and the Rodriguez kids will not get enough of them. I grew up poor and as a family when we went on a trip it was a big deal because they didn’t come often. Twice we went on a cruise and it was the time of my life. These guys get that all the time now and I’m jealous.

The mistress now has a million dollar mansion to live in that is all paid off and she gets $20k a month to take care of a 3 and 6 year old. Spoiler alert, that is a preposterous amount of money to take care of those children. She originally wanted $100k a month based on what he makes in a year ($30 million) but the judge showed Miggy some compassion it appears.

I’m just jealous I’m not Miguel Cabrera’s mistress’ son. Life would be simpler.

P.S. It’s insane Miguel Cabrera has 5 years and $154 million left on his deal. INSANE. What were the Tigers thinking? That’s a Dave Dombrowski special right there!