There Is A Correct Way To Write An "X" And If You Don't Think So Congrats On Being Wrong
This tweet popped up on my TL over the weekend and I still haven’t gotten over it. The two football games were only enough to distract me for but a moment in time until my brain quickly jolted back to this. I can’t believe we live in a society where people think there are multiple ways to make an X. (Draw an X? Write an X? I don’t have time for proper vernacular under these conditions there are lunatics out there who need to be detained and dealt with posthaste.)
The idea that I am currently surrounded by people writing Xs in such barbaric ways has me weeping for civilization. How am I supposed to have any faith in humanity knowing there are people out there consistently using methods other than 7 or 8? I myself am an 8 man. I assume lefties out there with functioning brains go with 7. Or most people use 7 and my brain is backwards and I’m doing the proper way left handed as a righty. Either way 7 and 8 are the only acceptable ways to write an X. If you’re one of these 1-6 lunatics here’s what kind of person you are.
1. Axe murderer
2. Lefty axe murderer
3. Kid who takes magnifying glass to ant hill, grows up to be an axe murderer
4. Guy from Providence who laces cocaine with fentanyl, forgets, proceeds to do his laced cocaine and overdoses in an alley
5. All Business Pete
6. Apparently the British, who lost the Revolutionary War because of this and this alone
7 & 8. Functioning, productive members of society