
Kevin Youkilis Won't Return Joba Chamberlain's Phone Calls

BOSTON (CBS)It’s only January, but the Yankees already have some drama for their clubhouse. According to the New York Daily News, reliever Joba Chamberlain called his newest teammate, Kevin Youkilis, to welcome him to the team. The two have a history of some bad blood on the field, so the 27-year-old Chamberlain was likely trying to be proactive in taking the first step to mending that relationship now that the two are teammates. “It was just, ‘I’m glad you’re on our team, glad you’re on our side and I look forward to seeing you and hopefully we can win one over here for the good guys,’” Chamberlain told the paper of the nature of his message for Youk. There’s just one problem: Youkilis hasn’t called Joba back. “No, not really,” Chamberlain told the newspaper when asked if he was surprised about Youkilis’ silent treatment. “I’m bound to run into him at some point, sooner rather than later. We’ll see what happens. We’re grown men.”

Aw how cute! Its like I’m watching an episode of Gossip Girl or Mean Girls or something. Next thing you know Youkilis is gonna call Joba fat and pull his hair. Then Joba will post something mean on facebook and Kevin Youkilis will tweet out some Taylor Swift lyrics about how they are never gonna be friends.

Big off season for the Yankees! A bunch of short term contracts for old ass dudes and the biggest news is a cat fight between a couple washed up has-beens. Over the course of like 1 month the goddam Blue Jays added an entire pitching rotation including a Cy Young winner and a 1-2 punch at the top of their order, and the Yankees are pinching pennies like Wilpon took over. I mean you look around the diamond and aside from Robbie Cano, 200 singles from Jeter, and a handful of home runs from Granderson and Tex, what does this team have to offer? Its gonna be a long season of more empty seats at Yankee Stadium if this is the team they’re gonna trot out.