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Does This Look Like The Face Of A Man Arrested For Doing Illegal Butt Injections?

Florida – A Florida man is facing charges of unlicensed practice of health care causing serious bodily harm after he injected silicone into at least two patients’ buttocks at a motel room, according to a Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office arrest report obtained Wednesday. Calvin Edward Butler, 44, also known as Tamieka Butler, performed the injections at El Patio Motel dating back to June 2012, the report said. The first alleged victim, a woman, told detectives in December that she received injections from Butler at the motel four times between September and October, the report said. With the victim lying down, Butler would pour out a clear liquid from a Pedialyte bottle, telling the woman it was sterile silicone, the report said. After pouring the liquid into a plastic cup, he filled syringes from the cup which he used to inject into the woman’s buttocks, the report said. Once the injections were complete, Butler would clean any blood or fluid from the skin and use Krazy Glue on the incisions, the report said. The woman was charged $200 per injection session.

I’m not just using that as my title because its a Barstool shtick. I’m asking you. Does that really look like a man? A woman? Calvin Butler? Tamieka Butler? What the fuck is going on here? From the eyes down, bitch looks like Tony Gwynn with those cheeks:

From the eyes up she just looks like a normal black chick. Bottom line is whether its a dude or a chick you probably shouldn’t let anyone fill up your ass with Pedialyte and seal you up with Krazy Glue. I’m actually surprised that every year theres 1 or 2 stories like this. The Jersey Girls that got their asses filled with caulk in 2010. The transgender pumping asses full of Fix A Flat in 2011. And now we have this tranny Tony Gwynn pumping up asses of Pedialyte silicon. Apparently that list of 50 Things Women Want needs to revised to include fat asses because you bitches will do anything to get that bubble butt.