
Yonkers Gang Beats The Ever Living Shit Out Of Convicted Rapist On The Lower East Side

NYDN- A shockingly graphic video showing a boozed-up crowd beating a man until his skull is fractured is a key piece of evidence in a gang assault trial now in the hands of a Manhattan jury.  The three-minute tape of 37-year-old Kyam Washington being brutalized on a lower East Side street as drunken onlookers cheer is so violent that jurors in the trial were cautioned about the gore they would have to watch. “I need to warn you that the video you’re going to see in this case contains graphic disturbing footage of possibly the most prolonged and brutal assault that you have ever, or will ever, see,” Assistant District Attorney Lucy Cutolo told the Manhattan Supreme Court panel on Jan. 8. The suspects — Andrew McCray, Martrell Terrell, Shadia Brackman and Christopher Montanez, all friends from Yonkers — are accused of carrying out the savage attack at Essex and Rivington Sts. about 4 a.m. on May 8, 2010. The four friends were indicted on charges of first-degree gang assault and first-degree assault. They face up to 25 years in prison on the top count. But their lawyers told the jury there’s a lot the video does not reveal. Washington began the melee, they argued, by robbing McCray, taking his fake chain. He had his own violent crew, the lawyers contend. The victim, an ex-con with a rap sheet that includes a rape conviction, did not testify at the trial. 

So I’m back in the saddle after MLK weekend. Spent the past 3 days in a house with 30 people getting blacked out like I was a 22 year old asshole again. Naturally since I’m old and shit I contracted the Bubonic Plague. So I get back last night and chug a bottle of Nyquil to pass the fuck out and now here I am back behind the keyboard. Hoping to ease back into the blog world with some nice and easy blogs. Maybe a viral video or a fucking baby doing something stupid. Nope. I get a gang from Yonkers beating a convicted rapist within an inch of his life. Throw me right back into the fucking fire, internet.

I’m torn here because on the one hand, I hate Yonkers. On the other hand, I hate convicted rapists. Guys from Yonkers are always trying to act so tough and so hard. Motherfuckers you’re from Westchester. This 10 on 1 massacre is about as tough as you get. But then you find out this dude has been convicted of rape and its kinda like “Ehh, I’ll take it.” Its one of those situations where you wish someone would have suicide bombed that entire corner and taken everyone to hell with them.

PS – How about that white guy in the peacoat trying to step in at the end just getting rocked in the face a couple times. Serious props for stepping in and saving another dude’s life, but you have gotta be the stupidest motherfucker alive. You couldn’t pay me a million dollars to step into that animal brawl. Rather climb into the lion’s cage at the zoo than rile up those savages.