
Happy Anniversary To The Whipped Cream Bikini Scene

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Varsity Blues turns 20 today… feel old yet?

I love that movie. It’s one of those that if it’s on TV, I will watch it no matter where I picked it up. Let’s be honest, anything with Texas high school football is going to play with me. Well, really any football movie. Even the ones that aren’t any good.

But this one stands the test of time. From Texas football to heartbreak to teachers being strippers to some all-time quotes to…

… the Ali Larter whip cream bikini scene.

I don’t care if you’re male, female, gay, straight, bi…  you appreciated that scene then and you appreciate it now. I was in elementary school when it came out, but remember thinking “I can’t wait to try to pull this off one day when I’m old enough and boys actually like me.” (Sorry mom and dad). For people my age, it was one of those eye opening moments where you realize you have no idea what older people are actually up to.

And here we are, 20 years later and it’s still the GOAT. But it got me thinking, what are the most iconic bikini scenes that literally every person (except the prudes and jealous folks) can appreciate??

I asked around the office (by the common man, for the common man) and these were the most popular answers:

Phoebe Cates – Fast Times At Ridgemont High

Halle Berry – Die Another Day


Jessica Alba – Into the Blue

Jessica Biel – Summer Catch


Denise Richards – Wild Things

Wendy Peffericorn (who cares what her real name is) – The Sandlot

The Brooklyn Decker vs. Jennifer Aniston Battle – Just Go With It


Kate Upton – The Other Woman

Jessica Simpson – Dukes Of Hazard



UPDATE: Kevin and Feits were very upset they forgot Tara Reid in Van Wilder

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I’m sure we forgot a couple, but it sparked quite a conversation at HQ on this lovely Tuesday.

Happy 20th Anniversary Varsity Blues!