
Does This Look Like The Face Of A Cross Dressing Connecticut Priest Who Dealt Crystal Meth And Sex In The Rectory?

CT Post - The Catholic priest busted for allegedly dealing crystal meth was suspended after church officials discovered he was a cross-dresser who was having sex in the rectory at Bridgeport’s St. Augustine Cathedral. Monsignor Kevin Wallin was relieved of his duties in May, but the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport had continued to pay him a stipend until his Jan. 3 arrest — a day he was planning to fly to London on vacation. Now dubbed “Msgr. Meth” by some, Wallin seemed to live a life that easily could have been ripped from the script of “Breaking Bad,” the popular AMC series about a high school chemistry teacher turned crystal methamphetamine producer. At one point, Wallin was selling upwards of $9,000 of meth a week, according to his indictment. In his post-priesthood, Wallin, 61, bought an adult specialty and video store in North Haven called Land of Oz that sells sex toys and X-rated DVDs. Investigators believe the shop helped him launder thousands of dollars in weekly profits.

Remember when Jesse joined a rehab group just to find more customers to push meth? Kevin Wallin had that beat. The Confessional is just one big screening process to find your marks. “Bless me father for I have sinned I’ve been using drugs again.” “Say three Hail Mary’s and an Our Father and meet me in the parking lot behind the dumpster. I got some sacrament for you.” How fucking convenient is that? Pick up your meth and get absolved for your meth use all in one shot. Thats some full service drug dealing right there. And if you’re really interested in the Premium Platinum Package you can get fucked in the rectory too! Get absolution, crystal meth and some kinky cross dresser sex all in one stop. Msgr. Meth is like the Wal Mart of vices.

PS – Sex In The Rectory sounds like the name of an R. Kelly song or something.