
The Caps Are Hosting A Black Hockey Player's Entire Team After They Fought Back Against Racist Taunts

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NHL - Earlier this month, Divyne Apollon II, a 13 year old member of the Maryland-based Metro Maple Leafs youth hockey team, faced racial taunts during a game against a team from Pennsylvania.

The taunts got so bad that at the completion of the game, Apollon’s teammates had had enough and decided they weren’t going to sit back and let this happen to a member of their squad. They began yelling at the other team and eventually, a fight broke out.

Sometimes, terrible circumstances can turn into something positive. For John Carlson, Devante Smith-Pelly and the rest of the Capitals, that’s exactly what they’re hoping happens in this instance.

Upon hearing about the story of Apollon and his team, Carlson and Smith-Pelly felt compelled to do something. They decided they wanted to invite the entire team to the St. Louis Blues game on January 14th and meet with the group afterwards.


Big time shout out to Divyne, his team the Metro Maple Leafs, and the Caps. In case you missed this story, Divyne was facing racists taunts while playing against a team from Pennsylvania. Eventually his teammates had enough of it, after the opposing team’s coach nor the refs put a stop to it, and they started fighting the other team. Good hockey guys.

The story gained traction with a story in the Washington Post, and now the Caps are bringing the entire team to tonight’s game.

The lesson here- if you see someone being a racist piece of shit, beat them up. John Carlson and DSP have your back and aren’t going to let little racist pieces of shit ruin your day. In the end, the good guys always win.