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KFC Radio Taking Live Callers Tonight

We’ll do it live! Fuck it!

So in our never ending journey to try and adapt KFC Radio and keep it fresh and new, we’re gonna try to take live callers tonight. You can still call the Barstool Hotline and leave a voicemail like always – 646-80-STOOL (646-807-8665). There will still be a portion of the show where we’re doing the pre-recorded calls. But we’re gonna try to work in a couple live callers/viewers into the hangout around 8pm.

You gotta have a webcam, headphones and a microphone in your computer. But as long as you’re not from the 1980s you should have all those things. Here is a list of what you’ll need and how to call in. We’ll take it one call at a time just like talk radio except its video blogging so you’ll be on camera. There’s about a 75% chance this all gets fucked up and doesn’t work, but fuck it! Lets give it a whirl. We’ll tweet out a link for the hangout at some point during the show so follow us on twitter and keep your eye out:
