Floyd Mayweather Goes On Delusional Instagram Rant About How People Are 'All Up In His Business'
Listen, I love Floyd. Despite his checkered past and outrageously flamboyant Instagram feed, he’s one of the greatest fighters of all time and for that, I respect him. Having said that, I genuinely believe that Floyd is on the brink of losing his mind. This video proves it. Why are people “all up in your business?” I don’t know, Floyd, maybe it’s because every time you take a trip to the fucking dollar store you post about how rich you are on social media. Or maybe it’s the fact that your entire brand is built around broadcasting the amount of money you spend. People are “in your business” because you want them to be in your business and I don’t even think he knows that.
I guess I’m just getting sick of him constantly “addressing the haters” without saying who the haters are. Where are these people? What are they upset about? If you don’t want negative attention stop being the flashiest guy on the internet. You have more than enough money ($700 million) to disappear off the face of the earth and be happy. Throw your phone in the trash. No one cares about your eighteen-million dollar watch anymore, or your concrete mansion, or your fleet of luxury cars. (Although they’re pretty cool.)
You’re like Ray Liotta at the end of Good Fellas. Your career is over and you’re an average schnook. A schnook with a lot of money. The only person who’s all up in your business is you. Act accordingly.
PS: Never forget.