
Hall Of Fame Announcements At 2pm

So today we’ve got the most controversial Hall of Fame Ballot of all time. The first ballot with the immortal players from the Steroid Era. First thing’s first, its crazy how MLB Hall of Fame has become such a significant thing. Like when someone makes the NBA Hall of Fame, nobody gives a fuck. When they do the NFL Hall of Fame induction, its only a big deal to tune in because some guy with a tie knot thats way to big is going to undoubtedly cry and be dramatic. The NFL doesn’t even give a shit about PEDs. But induction into the baseball Hall of Fame, at this point, for these guys from this era, is just as important as getting acquitted in their steroid related trials. Its just another court of opinion for them to try and gain acceptance. Nobody gives a fuck about a plaque on a wall in freakin Cooperstown New York. Its just approval that your career was as good as you think it was.

Obviously you’re insane if you don’t think everyone in every era is cheating in one way or another. Guys did it before them, guys are doing it now, and guys will always continue to do it. Juice, HGH, amphetamines, who knows what else. Thats not saying these 2 aren’t cheaters. I’m just saying if you are limiting the steroid talk to Bonds and Clemens, thats stupid. Personally, I think its sheer insanity to not include the greatest hitter of all time and arguably the greatest pitcher of all time into a museum about baseball history. You wanna put them in a Steroid Era wing or hang a different sort of plaque or include a description of steroid suspicions and perjury cases, thats fine. Actually thats probably ideal. But Barry Bonds during his non steroid years was probably just as good as Ken Griffey Jr. ever was, and subsequently became the best hitter of all time and an immortal during his steroid years. Roger Clemens is my least favorite athlete ever, and guilty of baseball and legal crimes in my mind, but I still can’t see a reason why he shouldn’t be apart of baseball history in Cooperstown. Bottom line is, if these two don’t make it in the Hall of Fame, nobody from this era should get in either. No reason to give a free pass to every other candidate from the same era just because the two best were the 2 most scrutinized.

Just in case you were wondering – if I had a vote, these would be the 10 guys I’d say yes to: Bonds, Clemens, Bagwell, Biggio, Schilling, Piazza, McGwire, and my main man Rock Raines. Tim Raines unfortunately played in the shadow of Rickey Henderson but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a monster. Also, dude had a 1.000% OBP in RBI Baseball. He was literally impossible to get out. That alone should put him in the Hall.