
The Biggest Hit Of The NHL Season Came From "Mites on Ice"

It sucks, man. Because 15-20 years ago? That hit makes it onto every highlight package. Open ice. Elbow and shoulder down. That right there is just some clean and clear contact on a puck carrier with his head down. No interference. No roughing. You could argue there was a possible charging there considering the kid in the yellow sweater came all the way across the ice to make the hit. But other than that, this is exactly how they teach you to hit. This is textbook contact. This is hockey.

Unfortunately in today’s NHL, this kid will most likely be receiving a call from the Department of Player Safety later today and it wouldn’t shock me if he has to miss a few games because of it. At the very least, he’s getting a fine if he’s not a repeat offender. Like I’ve said before, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that hit at all. But because of the way the game is going, you get suspended these days for accidentally breathing too heavy on an opposing player. Hopefully the rest of the boys in the locker room all chip in to help him pay the fine he’ll get for this hit because it’s definitely bullshit.

And quick sidenote here–I don’t know when and I don’t know why this started to happen, but the fact that there is youth hockey today being played cross-ice instead of full-ice is maybe the worst thing to ever happen to mankind. I’m sorry but the perfect version of “Mites on Ice” to me doesn’t even involve pucks. Just put the kids out there during intermission and bag skate them. That’s how you’re going to develop elite level talent out of those kids. Not by having 40 kids out there just playing between the blue lines.

P.S. – Have to imagine a DNA test on that kid would show that Biz is the father.
