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Sometimes You Gotta Go Cheeks Out For The Boys Getting Onto The NYC Subway

Hey now! Can’t get mad at that. There’s an old saying that goes “by any means possible”. Sometimes you gotta fight to survive. Gotta go with your bare instincts, caveman days type shit. And that’s what this man did. He dropped down and gave an all time booty shimmy under the turnstile for the ages. It was fight or flight and he did both. He knew he couldn’t hop over that god damn bar, so he did the only reasonable thing and twerked his cheeks right on under it. No shame in that at all. Weaker men would have stopped half way when their ass was flapping in the breeze, but not this guy. He was committed. He drew up his game plan and he executed it to perfection. Can’t let rain stop your parade, and you can’t let a full moon stop you from getting onto that train.

So hey, good for him. Saved himself $2.75 and got a good little workout in. Which actually works double for him, because if he drops a few lbs, he’ll be able to shimmy n shake under that turnstile even easier next time. Knocking out all those new years resolutions at once- saving money and dropping weight. All while getting internet famous. Dude is straight up crushing 2019 harder than any of us. Damn.