
Dude Tracks Down His iPhone Thief, Literally Beats The Snot Out Of Him

Huff Po – Hell hath no fury like a guy trying to track down his stolen iPhone. When Kenneth Schmidgall’s iPhone went missing, he went on an investigation that would make Sherlock Holmes proud — except for maybe the violent confrontation that culminated in him getting the phone back. Schmidgall, who lives in San Diego with his roommate, Greg Torkelson, a freelance news photographer, used the Find My iPhone app to track down the device. The app ultimately led Schmidgall and Torkelson to a guy riding his bicycle down near Torrey Pines State Beach. “I wasn’t looking for a confrontation. I just wanted the phone back,” Schmidgall told The Huffington Post from the once-stolen iPhone. The alleged thief managed to ditch their hot pursuit three times before they cornered him on the beach after calling the police. Torkelson documented the encounter with his camera, but brought another accessory as well: pepper spray. The altercation between the still-unidentified suspect and Schmidgall lasted 18 minutes and got violent when the alleged iPhone thief hit Schmidgall while holding a a rock in his hand.”I got a cut on the lip and a few scratches, but it wasn’t a technical punch. He just shoved his hand in my face,” Schmidgall said. The fight continued until Schmidgall managed to get the alleged thief on the sand and hold him there. “He said, ‘Do you want your cellphone?’ and pulled it out of the pocket like he was going to throw it in the ocean,” he said.

First of all, Hannah Mullins, bringing the heat!

Secondly, what bizarro world am I in where this news report is skewed to favor the thief? “Not everyone was on board with the beatdown” “What I see here is some vigilante fleeing an assaulting man” “We had to wonder if it was drawing blood over an older iPhone” “Piercing screams and a plea to stop.” What the fuck is everyone talking about? Even the thief – “You want your cell phone back???” Uh yea bro, I want my cell phone back. You fucking stole it. What planet am I on? What I’m seeing here is a cell phone thief who got caught by a dude and his buddy named Torkelson. I’m seeing a dude who thought he’d get away with theft and ended up with snot dripping from his face while some cop holds him down. Karma bro. That dude shouldn’t have to explain himself one bit.

PS – Best part of this fight video is the setting on the beach. Its like this dude followed his iPhone thief to the end of the earth and the scrap is happening on some abandoned beach.