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Graduating Mom Thinks It's A Good Idea To Whip Out A Tit And Feed Her Baby During Commencement


CALI - A photograph of a young mother breastfeeding at her recent graduation ceremony has provoked a storm of online debate and once again brought the contentious issue to the fore. Despite getting pregnant in her last year at college, Karlesha Thurman, 25, stayed in school and completed her accounting degree. At her graduation from Long Beach State University in California last month, she brought along her three-month-old daughter Aaliyah.

This one’s for the feminists and people defending Karlesha’s right to breastfeed her child because it’s “natural”. You know what is human? Erections. And you know at least 50% of those men pitched at least half a tent during the 2 hour ceremony. I guess by the breast defenders logic it would be perfectly acceptable to get up and literally Summa Cum Laude on everyone in sight. But nope. Didn’t happen. Not one male was even caught playing pocket pool during the entire time. But in the end it’s about common courtesy for others. If you’re sitting there through a dreadfully long, boring, hot and sweaty commencement, you don’t want to be scrunched next to a naked Blake Lively let alone a fellow fat graduate. The last thing you need is having an infant beside you crying it’s face off because the mother wants to share her experience with the baby. The cherry on top is having to witness the same mother whip out her breast and listen to the baby go to town on a tit for some chocolate milk. We’re living in a society, people.