
Sonny Gray Somehow Someway Might Actually Stay On The Yankees Roster Because Of CC Sabathia's Health Problems

The date is January 7th and Sonny Gray is still a member of the Yankees starting rotation.

Back in October after the team’s early exit in the postseason, Brian Cashman gave his end of the year presser. He was asked if Sonny was a lost cause moving forward. He started his answer with a giant sigh. One that you give after your son gets suspended from school for the 4th time in a year and you know he’s going to feed off your money for as long as he can until you have to kick him out of the house.

After you watch those two clips you think there is absolutely no chance in hell Sonny is still on this team in March. Welp, it’s getting near mid-January and he’s still here. Even worse, it’s now becoming possible he stays on this roster and doesn’t get traded at all. Why? Because CC Sabathia’s heart situation is currently up in the air and there’s not really a viable 5th option to give him insurance. Jordan Montgomery won’t be back from Tommy John until mid-late Summer. Luis Cessa is an option if Cashman’s plan is to have half the fanbase kill themselves before the standings even matter. Chance Adams and Michael King are definitely options for the role, but the team likely wants a more veteran presence to start the year in case CC has to miss serious time. I don’t see why Johnny Lasagna would’t be trusted in that spot, but it appears that’s not the case. So that leaves us with Sonny…


I vouched for this guy more than anyone and it obviously blew up in my face more than humanly possible. I said he would win the CY Young last year, and I wasn’t alone with several Yankees media members having similar expectations. The dude just can’t handle pitching in New York. He’s not the first and certainly not the last to have that realization. His numbers were exceptionally better on the road than at home, but most of those starts came against inferior teams like the Orioles. When he faced tough competition he shit himself.

I can’t do another year of this shit. I can’t. I’m confident Sonny will be a 15 game winner on the Padres, but it’s not happening here. Trade this man ASAP, I don’t even care what we get back.