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Kevin Garnett Is The Biggest Fraud Pussy On The Entire Planet, Part 5,087,496

NYDN Carmelo Anthony couldn’t beat Kevin Garnett and the Boston Celtics on the court and instead was intent on settling a score in the bowels of Madison Square Garden. Anthony, according to eyewitnesses interviewed by the Daily News, waited for Garnett near the Celtics bus following Boston’s emotionally charged 102-96 victory on Monday night. A potentially volatile scene was defused by Garden security personnel, five New York City police officers and even Knicks coach Mike Woodson, who rushed to the scene unfolding near the Garden ramp and ordered Anthony to leave peacefully. A source on the scene claimed that Garnett seemed somewhat surprised and confused by Anthony’s presence and acted as a peacemaker as Celtics security ushered the All-Star forward onto the bus. The NBA is certain to investigate the incident, which could result in a suspension and/or fine for both players. But Anthony could be in more trouble since, according to the MSG Network, the All-Star forward initially waited for Garnett outside the Celtics’ locker room immediately after the game ended.

Im ready for war! I’m loadin’ up the Uzi, I got a couple M-16s, couple nines, got a couple joints with some silencers on ‘em, I’m just loadin up clips. Got a couple grenades, couple missile launchers, with, you know, a couple missiles. I’m ready for war.

Unless of course Carmelo Anthony is coming at me. Then I’m gonna back pedal away looking for absolutely zero confrontation. The same Carmelo Anthony who is famous for literally throwing sucker punches and running in fear of Jared Jeffries back when he and JR Smith were brawling in the Garden as members of the Nuggets. I’m ready for war and I’m a gangsta and I’m hardcore and Anything is Possibo except when even the fakest tough guy in the NBA steps to me. I’ll be perfectly honest – Carmelo standing in the tunnel outside the team bus waiting for him like the bully who tells you to meet you by the swingset after school makes him look like a clown. And even more to the point, Melo laid an absolute stinker of a game. 6-26 and lead the Knicks to a shitty loss against a shorthanded Celtics. Probably because Garnett was in his head. Which ordinarily would be such a sneaky awesome tactic. Guys like John Stockton and Gary Payton were the masters of that. Act tough and get you riled up and off your game and eat you up because you fell right into their trap. But the difference is Garnett constantly walks around like he is that tough and he is that gangster NBA thug. But when push comes to shove and one of the softest guys out there finally steps to you, you run and hide. Before and after the game. I guess thats just the NBA in a nutshell for you. Couple of primadonnas talking shit who can’t back it up. Just admit it though. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Admit that your shtick is to play chippy and dirty just to get your opponent off kilter. Don’t pretend you’re some thug life badass.