
Barstool NYC Local Smokeshow of the Day - Aly

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Introducing Aly from Binghamton. January 2nd – the worst day of the year. Everyone is miserable and cold and eating salads for lunch and going to the gym because they think they’re fat and out of shape. Just misery all around. And then along comes Aly at 5:30 to turn your entire day around. Fellas you should still hit the gym and not be fat if you ever want a shot at a girl like Aly though.

Its a new year, which means we’ve gotta post roughly 200-250 more smokeshows for 2013. That means I need all your nominations. The hottest girls you know. The new college girls, the girls who just moved to New York. Whoever. Send first and last names and a facebook profile link of all the cute girls you wanna see on Barstool New York to