
West Virginia Starts Off New Year By Losing Dana Holgorsen To....Houston?

This is a toughhhhhhh way to end 2018 and start 2019 for West Virginia. After a seemingly successful year for the Mountaineers, their coach has left not for another power 5 job, but instead a job in the AAC. The contract is $20 million over 5 years, a type of deal West Virginia wouldn’t offer.

Why would Holgorsen do this? The money seems to be the driving factor, but there was always rumblings that he wasn’t happy at West Virginia. Maybe he doesn’t like the administration? I’m not 100% sure. West Virginia isn’t an amazing P5 job, but it isn’t bad. You are at a recruiting disadvantage, but thanks to the lack of a pro sports team, when West Virginia gets good, the entire state rallies around it. Now, Holgorsen will go to Houston and have to compete with the likes of Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, and TCU.

Houston has always taken great pride in their football team. They’ll continue to push to get into the Big 12. Will that be anytime soon? Maybe….hopefully before all of Holgorsen’s hair falls off:

Where does West Virginia go from here? I’d call Mike Leach and offer him whatever he wants.