
Porn Star Arrested For Attempting To Kill An 'Enemy' By Hiring A Hitman

Screen Shot 2018-12-20 at 4.51.17 PMDaily Mail-  A porn star has been arrested at a Washington airport by federal agents accused of trying to hire a hitman to kill an enemy. Katrina L. Danforth, 31, allegedly used a phone and mail in an attempt to hire someone to kill a victim identified in court papers only as ‘R.H.’.

In an interview with KHQ06 Danforth, who makes films under the name Lynn Pleasant, said she was ‘shocked’ by the arrest after a vacation to Hawaii. She also told people to ‘stand by’ and ‘follow’ her story as the case goes forward.

This is one of those headlines that’s wild from start to finish. While I sort of empathize with the idea of hiring a hitman to destroy my enemies, I feel like you have to go through the appropriate channels to make sure you don’t get caught. Isn’t there something called the dark web that does that for you? Come on, Lynn Pleasant, get it together.

Also, is there some qualifier that makes you a porn star vs. just someone who acts in adult films? I feel like porn star implies some level of quality. Is everyone who does porn a porn star? Because let me tell ya, not to shame Lynn here, but she wouldn’t be my mental image of a porn star. Also, is she acting in them right now? Is she a former porn star? I could be wrong, but based on what I know about men I would guess 31 is like 75 in porn years.

Oh god. I asked around and apparently there’s something called MILF porn. I’m not going to name names, but someone in the Barstool offices is a huuuuge MILF porn guy.

Lynn Pleasant is insisting that she is surprised by these allegations. Maybe this was all an elaborate attempt to derail her pornography career. If it’s not, she’s facing up to 10 years in prison and a 250,000 dollar fine for each ‘hit’ ordered. Honestly, I’m rooting for her. #freelynn #Istandwithher

UPDATE: For those of you who are curious/complaining, you can watch her work here.