
Corey Crawford Left Last Night's Game With A Concussion: Should This Be The End?

Really tough to see. Corey Crawford had worked SO hard to get back to a point where he could play, wanted to play, and enjoyed playing after being out 9 months with a concussion last year. Now, here he is again. Almost a year to the date of his previous concussion. It’s natural to wonder if this is the end.

He’s won his Cups, he’s made his money, and he has his family. If Crawford chooses to hang them up and he’s ready to move on then I don’t think anyone would blame him. Crawford is now 33 years old and only has one year left on his deal. He can simply go on LTIR, get his remaining $6M and then formally retire.

Having said all of that, I really hate it when people play arm-chair neurologist and therapist. Nobody can really tell Corey Crawford what to do in this situation. If he is medically cleared to play again and he still has the passion to play then people shouldn’t judge him for coming back either. People need a purpose in life and when athletes leave the ice sometimes finding that next purpose is the hardest thing for them to find. Crawford is an adult. He is capable of making his own decisions and taking his own risks.

If this is the end, well, Corey, we love you. Can’t imagine loving a goalie more. Always showed up when the lights were brightest. Always stood up for his teammates in ways I haven’t seen besides maybe Patrick Roy. I hope he recovers and I hope this isn’t the end because I love the way he comepetes.  If he is done it’s been a hell of a ride and he’ll be a legend here forever.

Get well, Crow.