
The Phoenix Suns Fans Are Planning An Arena-Wide Protest Tonight On National TV And I Absolutely Love This Move

Oklahoma City Thunder v Phoenix Suns

So according to Reddit, Suns fans are planning on an arena-wide protest tonight. Here are the details:

Operation: “Gorilla” Warfare

This game is going to be nationally televised, so if people can hear us at home then we’ve succeeded. I’ve got 5,000 slips of paper I’m going to be passing out at the game tonight that have the below chants and a little informational text. This should help coordinate the chants hopefully.

There will be no meet up by the stadium. It has come to my attention that arena staff may be prepared to stop us. If you bring in signs, bring in a marker to write on the other side so you don’t get stopped at the door for an anti sarver sign. PLEASE MESSAGE ME DIRECTLY IF YOU CAN HELP PASS PAPERS OUT.

At the 7 minute mark (for the 7sol good times) of every quarter we will have a different chant and if you bring a sign show it now. I think if you hold it up all game it increases your chances of getting thrown out. The signs may get you kicked out. I think everyone should be aware of that. I’m not afraid of getting kicked out for one game but I wouldn’t want anyone getting banned from the arena or anything. Everything I’ve been told is that you should hide your signs or try to draw them inside the arena if you can figure out a way to.

Also, look around at the fans near you. Ask them to help. Chances are they are either Mavs fans who would gladly partake just for the fuck of it or Suns fans who probably hate what the team has become too. We need the arena booming with chants:

1st quarter: “This is OUR team!”

2nd quarter: “Sarver sucks!”

3rd quarter: “Sell the team!”

4th quarter: “SARVER OUT!”

During away team free throws we just yell: “Sell the team!”

I love the concept. Robert Sarver fucking sucks. He’s a cheap asshole who has no idea how to properly run the Suns. There’s no doubt about that. In case you missed it he’s essentially holding the city of Phoenix hostage with a terrible idea of threatening to move the Suns to Vegas or Seattle unless their arena gets upgrades.

So shout out to the fans who are sticking up for it. No one wants to pay for it, especially when the arena doesn’t really need upgrades and Sarver is worth just an absurd amount of money.

I love everything about this – outside of the chants. They need work. They have to get more aggressive and really dig into Robert Sarver. Chanting Robert Sarver sucks is fine. Do it once to start the game. But then really get into his personal life. Go in about how he was rejected to buy Rangers. Go in on how he looks. I don’t care. Attack Robert Sarver more creative. I mean the fact they are using the mascot as the protest name is creative. Build on that!

The fact is the Suns belong in Phoenix. While I want Seattle to get another franchise, not this way. The Clippers can move there. The Suns belong in Phoenix. It’s always been that way.

Fuck it at the minimum let this guy buy the team:

Fuck Robert Sarver. I stand with the fans. Can’t wait to hear all this unfold during a national game tonight. I hope some of the workers there hate Sarver too and just let the fans get away with it.