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Teams Have Been Showing Bryce "Very Graphic Pictures" To Woo Him

I don’t know what that means at all. Stadium porn of Wrigley? Luxury apartments overlooking Central Park? The Washington monument at night? NAKED LADIES?! Just kidding, no need to be crass.

I don’t know what very graphic pictures teams are showing Bryce, but the games and politics Boras is playing and the teams are playing back is like a chess match. So much leveraging, so much waiting for a team to make a move. Machado and Bryce are seemingly waiting each other out. The Phillies seem to be the wild card in this entire situation, as most think they’ll end up with at least one of the guys.

Meanwhile, LA seems to be emerging as a front runner for Bryce. Close to his home in Vegas, they have the money, and they have the team to win a World Series. And it’s just plain ol’ dumb to ever count out the Yankees. They know Bryce has always wanted to be a Yankee, but they aren’t trying to break the bank over the next 10 years for him. They also want Machado, but aren’t going to trade Andujar and drive Machado’s price up because they have a pretty little opening at 3rd. So many moving pieces, so much 4D chess.


And then there’s always the Nats. The offer is on the table. Who knows- maybe Bryce will be like “you know what, fuck it, DC is pretty sweet” and return. I still think it’s improbable, and the Nats outfield is fine and dandy without him, but again, you never ever know.