
The Author of Kendall Jenner's Mystery Love Note Is Revealed

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The mystery is over. It wasn’t Ben Simmons, it wasn’t Harry Styles, it was……two fashion photographers. Mert Alas and Mac Piggott.

Kendall Jenner knows what she’s doing. She posted the letter with the names blacked out for 24 hours to throw everyone into a frenzy. Every outlet covered this story. This was such a calculated move I have to applaud it. WHO WROTE THE NOTE?!

sammiWe were investigating handwriting, looking at things that Ben Simmons signed to see if it matched up. Kendall is soooooo not a PDA person for any of her relationships so I was very doubtful that note actually came from someone she was/is dating. Plus, the paper looked all crumbled up, no one saves a real love note like that. Love notes are carefully folded or put in a card and an envelope so you can go back and read it forever.

Well, we don’t have to worry anymore. Kendall made it clear it wasn’t from a romantic relationship. Very intense, beautiful words there from Mert and Marcus to their muse, Kendall Jenner.