
IT'S TIME!!!! The Best Movies From Each State: Results For Maryland, Voting For Massachusetts

Movie States in lineThe results from the twentieth installment of my totally normal and not insane 51 week study of the top three movies from each state are IN. Remember everyone got three votes, so the percentages reflect how many times they appeared on every individual vote. For the Old Line State, this is what y’all chose:

3. Enemy of the State

2. The Blair Witch Project

1. Wedding Crashers

Here is the breakdown:


I’ll say I’m a little surprised that ‘Ladder 49′ and ‘True Lies’ didn’t make it. Also, I always liked Wedding Crashers, but I don’t know if I ever associated it with the state of Maryland at all either. Anyway, on to a biiiiiiiiiiiiig poll for this website. That’s right, the Old Bay State herself, Massachusetts. Reminder that if you don’t see a movie you like on the list, just write it in. As always, if the embedded form doesn’t work on your device, just click here.