
Memo For All Patriot Nation: We’re Onto Pittsburgh

So today’s loss sucked. No doubt about it. Just one of the most amazing finishes you’ll ever see. A total and complete breakdown by the Pats defense. But I want to make something very clear. This loss didn’t hurt more than any other loss. It didn’t end our season. This is week 13. We always struggle in Miami. Yes it’s a horrible loss no doubt but it isn’t a season wrecker. If anything it may be a character builder. We aren’t some loser franchise. We aren’t the Jets or the Bills. Shit happens in football. It happened today. The only games that really matter for the Patriots are playoff games. Those are the only games I lose sleep over. Today? Today was gross and made me want to puke but 1 hour later I was over it and onto Pittsburgh and I’m sure so was everybody in that locker room. That’s what you do as a Patriot. You never get too high. You never get too low. The season is long winding road with twists and turns along the way. We still have a bye in the playoffs. We are still the favorite to go to Atlanta. Nothing that happened today changed that. And with that we’re onto Pittsburgh.