
End Your Workday With Some 2018-19 Shaqtin' A Fool


Alright it’s that time of the day to officially start mailing it in. Well maybe you’ve already started but if you’re looking for something to help get you to quittin’ time, I have just the thing for you. We all know that school/work can be stressful, and maybe you’re in the library cramming before winter break, or maybe you’ve been slammed so far this week at work, we all need something every once in a while to give us a chuckle and lift our spirits. For me, basketball bloopers always does the trick. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because seeing people who are so amazing at their craft mess up brings my simple normal washed up brain joy, but I always get a kick out of them. That’s why the Shaqtin’ A Fool segment on Inside The NBA is always my favorite part of that show. Love hearing Shaq just shit on people, and the combination of his voice and the bloopers will get me to laugh every single time.

That’s why today, I wanted to share with you some of the best ones so far from the 2018-19 season. If you’ve had a shitty day, for a brief 7 minutes this should make things a little bit better and at the end of the day that’s what we do around here. We get on the internet and try and help people that hate their lives. So you know the drill, stop doing whatever bullshit you’ve been staring at for the last 45 minutes and hit play. Next thing you know it’ll be time for freedom and that’s all that matters

We’re almost half way through the week everybody, stay strong and I’ll see you all tomorrow afternoon.