
11 Years Ago We Lost The Greatest - RIP Sean Taylor

It is crazy it’s now been 11 years since we lost Sean Taylor. He wasn’t just the face of the Redskins organization, he was the Redskins organization. He made the team better, the city of DC better, the game of football better, everything. He made going to Redskins games fun. I would ask to sit in the upper level so I could watch him read the defense. He was a threat to make a play on every single snap. It was absolutely thrilling to watch him out there patrolling the field. It was like watching one man vs 11, and the one man would win more often than not.

And of course, the tenacity he played with. The hits. The jarring hits he would lay on the opposition. They would have to game plan around Sean Taylor to try to avoid getting their teeth knocked out, and it was nearly impossible.

11 year ago we lost one of the best to ever do it, tragically and terribly. RIP to the GOAT.

And never forget the Pro Bowl moment.