
I Am All In On Kyrie's Supernatural Training Exercises

You know what? It’s about time Kyrie tapped into his superhuman weird third eye cosmic bullshit, because it may be the only thing that helps turn this stinky team around. He entered the season with normal quotes, talking about how the world is in fact NOT flat, and moved away from his ayahuasca themed responses. Well clearly that shit didn’t work, so as you can see Kyrie is tapping into his supernatural ability in an effort to figure this whole thing out. Whether it’s stretching in a manner that looks like all of us when we’ve had a few too many at the bar, or his crazy dribbling exercises

I am very much here for this approach. At this point we need to try whatever it is we can so that the Celts don’t lose to the fucking Hawks, and if that means Kyrie has to be weird then so be it. Maybe that’s why of anyone on this team Kyrie is the least worried. He knows he has this supernatural trump card in his back pocket that he can use in the event of an emergency. I would say a 9-9 start coming off a loss to the Knicks qualifies, so if I know my supernatural voodoo basketball training videos like I think I do, good times should be on the horizon.

We’ll know for sure Kyrie is going back to his old wacky self if he gives a 500 word answer to a simple question tonight, and I for one am looking forward to that word vomit. It is time