
Fuck Jordan Rodgers For Making The California Wildfires All About Him

I realize Trent just blogged this, but I had to chime in because Jordan Rodgers is one of my more hated people in this country. His a sniveling little douchebag who only has a fancy SEC Network job because his brother is an all-world talent in the NFL and he’s ridden on his coattails for years now. Jordan’s biggest claim to fame? Using his brother’s fame to get on the fucking Bachelor. What did he do on The Bachelor? He used it as a national platform to talk shit about his brother because that’s definitely the way to end a rift. Really classy move right there. So what’s he up to now? He’s on blasting his NFL superstar brother for personal reasons in the midst of Aaron donating a MILLION DOLLARS to help out those in need with the California fires. Hey pal, I get that you hate Aaron and the whole family drama is odd to say the least, but let’s choose any other time to call him out? Way to turn the California wildfires into all about you! Good on Aaron for donating a million dollars to help the cause. Jordan Rodgers can go fuck himself halfway to hell, or all the way for that matter. And to make something clear, this is not to give Aaron Rodgers a pass. If your family is out in California and on the verge of evacuating and you don’t bother to call that is fucked. The point of this blog is to say Jordan Rodgers using that tweet as a platform for calling out family issues is a gigantic douchebag move, which gets added to the list of most of the things this guy does.

P.S. There needs to be a documentary when Aaron is retired about what the fuck went wrong with his family. It’s insane it has come to this.