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When Your Kid Doesn't Want To Go To The Dentist, Maybe Don't Drive With Him On The Hood Of Your Car For Two Miles To a Police Station Just To Scare The Shit Out Of Him?

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Lehigh Valley

A Northampton County woman is facing criminal charges after she allegedly drove to a local police department headquarters with her son on her car’s hood.

Bethlehem Township police said last Wednesday, Shaurice Jones took her 12-year-old son to a dentist in the township. The boy refused to go into the office off Brodhead Road, and instead climbed on the hood of Jones’ vehicle.

The 36-year-old Jones got into her car and drove two miles to the Colonial Regional Police Department with her son on the hood the entire time, according to police. Jones reportedly admitted to officers to driving the two miles with the boy on the outside the vehicle; the speed limit on the road is 40 mph.

Jones, of the 300 block of Old Forge Drive in Bath, was arrested Monday and charged with child endangerment and reckless endangerment. She was free on $1,000 unsecured bail.

Hey everyone has their different ways of parenting. Some choose to be lovers and nurturers, while others opt for a more aggressive rout. That may include spankers, time-out people, or something even worse . This mother from Pennsylvania decided that when her boy wouldn’t go to the dentist she was going to drive him to the police department instead….WITH HIM ON THE HOOD OF THE CAR. She drove him two miles on a road that goes 40 mph with him on the hood for the entire time. Imagine thinking that when you arrived at the police station that they would address your kid refusing going to the dentist and not that you just drove two fucking miles with him outside of your vehicle? I also want to know what she thought the police were going to do if he was inside the car the whole ride. Arrest the kid? Lady, your kid didn’t want to go to the dentist. Join the fucking club. No one wants to go the dentist when they’re a kid. I still don’t like going to the dentist and I’m in my mid 20’s. Also if you’re 12 years old I think you need to have a little bit of a backbone to not let your mom do this to you. Rebel a little for me once.

This story reminded me of how baseball player Scooter Gennett got his name Scooter. His actual name is Ryan but when he was five he refused to ride without a seatbelt (bad ass). His mom took him to the police station to have one of the cops scare him into doing it. When they asked him for his full name, pretending he was in big trouble, he made up an alias to scheme his out of a punishment. He said his name was Scooter and would not break his cover the entire day. For the next month he only answered to Scooter and nothing else. Eventually it just became his name. Incredible.