
Nobody Read This But Feitelberg

Dude, did you see this? Normally I would just text you, you know that. There’s too much to be said just via text and regrettably, I cannot think of what your email is so I had to post it here. I hate to do that because this is a sports website and people hate when we talk about the Greatest Showman. I dont know why. It’s a wonderful film. Did you see that the remastered full album is out now? It’s awesome. Something about the way the lead singer from Panic at the Disco sings the opening brought a HUGE smile to my face. You pair that with the notes that Pink hits and the album is better than I expected.

As we’ve talked about before, sometimes redoing a masterpiece is a mistake. But, I remind you that Van Gogh never released his first rendition of Water Lillies. In fact, many scholars say that he burned the first edition for each one of his paintings. Now, I’m not advocating that we burn the original soundtrack let alone get rid of it; I’m just saying that this one is worth the listen too.

Jesus Christ, dude. You know I’m a big Sara Bareilles fan. Her voice is searing here. Is it appropriate to say that a voice makes me lustful? I dont think it is because I’m married and I love my wife very much. That being said, I would hump Sara’s voice and would replace Kristen Bell on my Hall Pass list if I had a chance with Sara. Dont hold me to that, though. I might be getting a little too emotional because I’m knee deep in beautiful music.

Last song that I’ll bring to your attention, John. Longtime Stoolie Kesha was much better than I expected. Some tough notes in This is Me. Still doesnt beat the live read version that they did when they were trying to get the movie sold. If you haven’t seen that, and apologies if we’ve talked about it before, check this out.

Anyway, if you see this can you text me when you read this and let me know your email. I have a feeling the commenters won’t like that I’m writing you via the blog but there was simply nothing I could do. Wanna get soup for lunch? Chicken noodle or minestrone is fine with me. Your choice this time.

