
Chuck Liddell's Open Workout For His Upcoming Third Fight With Tito Ortiz Was Really Sad And Tito Just Openly Mocked Him During It

Alright, so if you were unaware – Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz are both coming out of retirement a week from this upcoming Saturday to fight each other one more time, closing out the trilogy set at 2-0 Chuck right now. It’s Oscar De La Hoya’s first venture into the mixed martial arts world, it’s been a whole thing, yada yada yada.

If you’re thinking, “Bob! Those guys are so old! Doesn’t Chuck Liddell have enough brain damage as it is? Doesn’t Tito Ortiz have more neck problems than a Paul Stanley guitar at the end of a KISS show?”, the answer to all of your concerns is yes. This fight shouldn’t be happening, it’s extremely dangerous for all parties involved, and is just a generally sad state of affairs overall. Saddest of all, perhaps, are Chuck Liddell’s training videos, which make me think Tito Ortiz is going to run right out to the center of the cage/ring and knock Chuck out cold brutally with the first punch he throws on the 24th.

Earlier today, both competitors held open workouts in Los Angeles for the press, and when “The Iceman” seemed to take a few deep breaths just moments into his workout, Ortiz mocked him to his face and laughed out loud before leaving the building, and Chuck just looked in his general direction with those Clint Eastwood Gran Torino eyes.

I don’t even know what else I could add to this. I feel like I’m watching my grandpa provoke a fight at a softball game or something.

Have a good night, folks.