
Urban Meyer Accused of Covering Up a Racially Charged Altercation Involving Zach Smith, Investigation Once Again Courtesy of Brett McMurphy

Oh, boy. More great news for Columbus, Ohio. Not only is there more dirt coming out about Urban Meyer and the scumbag receivers coach that he employed for so many years, but the man on the case is the one and only Brett McMurphy. The same man that has apparently made it his life’s work to bring down the Ohio State football program. Let’s see what McMurphy has to say this time.

“Thank you sir for your interest in my son’s story. … I’m sure Trevon will be honored to have you write a story on him. However, as his FATHER I can’t wait for that one reporter who cares about the TRUTH and where we came from!!”

That was the first response I received after messaging LeBron Grimes, the father of former Ohio State receiver Trevon Grimes, on Facebook on Sept. 10. LeBron wanted someone to finally expose – as he put it – the TRUTH. It gnawed at him, but he desperately wanted others to know this twisted tale of lies, secrets and deception. He wanted someone to, well, tell the truth.

The truth, LeBron Grimes says, is this: Ohio State coach Urban Meyer knew of assistant coach Zach Smith’s alleged racially-charged altercation in September 2017 with his son Trevon and helped keep it quiet. Ohio State officials and Zach Smith deny the allegations.

Three thoughts off the top of my heads:

1.) Zach Smith just needs to go away.

2.) I’m not sure how much more Urban Meyer can fend off, true or not.

3.) Shout out to this dad for being named LeBron.

Anyways, let’s hear what apparently is THE TRUTH!

On Sept. 26, 2017, Trevon Grimes, then a freshman wide receiver at Ohio State, called his father. “He was in tears,” LeBron said in a lengthy sit-down interview with Stadium in New Port Richey, Florida. “My heart was crushed.”

Over the next few hours, LeBron detailed his son’s departure from Ohio State and the “toxic” environment that led to it.

“Trevon said, ‘I want to leave.’ He was very emotional. He said, ‘I can’t take it anymore. I just want to leave.’ Trevon went up to Ohio State in August (2017) and in two months after I sent him up there – it’s supposed to be the greatest moment of his life and I’m feeling it’s a blessing – I get a phone call from him crying, angry and confused,” LeBron said. “His mom (Leah Grimes) was the first one to call me. That’s why I knew it was bad when his mother called me. Trevon said, ‘You have to get me out of this situation.’”

Trevon told his father he got into an altercation with Ohio State wide receivers coach Zach Smith at practice.

LeBron Grimes said his son told him that “Zach got up in his face and called him a ‘bitch ass n – – – – -’ and said, ‘I should have never recruited you.’ And then Trevon said something to Zach about him messing around with college girls.”

Yikes. No surprise here that Smith is and always was a loser. And quite honestly, even as the biggest Buckeye homer there is, I bet this, or something very similar, did happen. The debate raging already on the internet is not if there was an altercation. It’s if the N-Word was used. And if it was, does a coach need to get fired over it? He should be, but I’m not sure a Division 1 football program makes that decision. Anyways, if Urban turned a blind eye on this one, then can he really crawl through another pile of shit and come out clean again?

What exactly happened that day at practice? It depends whom you ask.

I went to Gainesville, Florida, to speak with Trevon Grimes. After a September practice, I specifically asked him about the altercation and also Smith’s alleged use of the N-word. He answered both questions the same: “I have no comment on that.”

However, three of Grimes’ current Florida teammates, who would only talk on the condition of anonymity, said that Grimes has told them about the altercation in practice at Ohio State and Smith’s alleged use of the N-word.

Zach Smith: “I’ve never said that word (N-word) in my entire life. I’ve never been in a fight with a player in my life. Never. That never happened.”

Obviously you can’t take anything that Zack Smith says as fact. He uses semantics to beat around the bush about how he never technically “beat” his wife. But while the Florida side of the story seems to go one way, the Ohio State side goes another.

Ohio State would not allow Jaylen Harris, Grimes’ roommate at Ohio State last year, to be interviewed for this story. Harris, in a statement from the school, said, “At no time did I ever witness a physical altercation or racially insensitive language as alleged.”

On Nov. 2, 2018 after Leah Grimes contacted Ohio State, Buckeyes Athletic Director Gene Smith reached out to Stadium. He said the use of the N-word in Ohio State’s program “doesn’t exist. Urban doesn’t allow that.” Later that day, Gene Smith provided a statement: “Since our conversation I have looked into some of your questions. We have found no evidence that there was a physical altercation or racially charged remarks between Zach Smith and Trevon Grimes, and to reinforce my earlier comments to you on the phone, racially charged behavior is not accepted or tolerated within our program.”

Four days later, through OSU spokesman Jerry Emig, the school now admitted there was an “interaction” between Zach Smith and Grimes. Emig’s statement: “The university initiated a series of interviews over the last four days with players and staff who witnessed the interaction. No one corroborated that there was a physical altercation or that there was racially offensive language used.”

Well this is completely different. The incident happened, but the language used is completely different and quite frankly makes this either a huge story or a non-story. And I know the obvious answer as to why it’s different is because it’s coming from the Ohio State camp. But it appears to me that Ohio State actually did their due diligence with this one? It’s a he said / she said. And the thing that upsets me the most of this is not even Meyer or Smith. We all know Meyer puts winning first, and we all know Smith is the biggest loser on Earth. But once again, Brett McMurphy is reporting news that could bring down an entire program and it appears to be a whole lot more hearsay than fact.

The entire article is really long and you can feel free to make your own judgement. Ohio State players are already weighing in with their opinions.


I’m really hoping this is a boy who cried wolf situation with McMurphy. It seems the Buckeye players are pretty adamant that he doesn’t have ALL of the facts, again.

Okay, serious talk is over. I get a phone call every two weeks or so asking me to donate back to my University. I’d give up a month’s salary right now if Urban quote tweets McMuffin’s report and says “Ok cool. Hook em.”