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Our Friend Stone Cold Steve Austin Has....Quit Drinking?!??

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Some things in the world just go together. Peanut butter and jelly. Lamb and tuna fish. Stone Cold and beer. There’s no doubt in my mind Stone Cold has had at least 3 beers every night for the last 2 decades, minimum. 3 might be on the low side. I mean he’s just one of those Texans who loves their booze. Loves to throw back some Steveweisers on any day of the week ending in Y. But alas, Stone Cold has decided to do the improbable, the impossible, and the damn impressive- he has decided to go cold turkey and give up alcohol.

NY Post - WWE legend Stone Cold Steve Austin has lived up to his name, going stone cold turkey in giving up one of his favorite things — alcohol.

The WWE superstar revealed he is over two weeks sober. Speaking on The Steve Austin Show podcast, the 53-year-old said he gave up the booze for his new health regiment.

“My eating program is going fantastic. [I’m] sticking to my exact macros. [I’ve had] zero alcohol for right at 14 days now,” he said.

“Pounds are coming off. My strength is going up. Jesus Christ, I’m getting as strong as a goddamn horse over here.”

Austin has also started a Diamond Dallas Page’s yoga program and is already seeing benefits.

“No alcohol, and when you hit the weights on a consistent basis and eat what you’re supposed to, it is amazing the difference that you can make or I’m making,” he said.

I gotta say, I’m happy for him. His body probably needs a break from the booze. And he seems very happy with the results after just 2 weeks. Leaner, stronger, and healthier. Shit, with Shawn Michaels recently coming out of retirement for one last match, with Kurt Angle back on the roster, could we hear the glass shatter one more time???

I don’t think he will, nor do we need Stone Cold to do another match, but this is wrestling, nobody ever retires. Remember when Goldberg came back a few years ago? Ric Flair retired like, 5 different times and wrestled into his 60’s. Or maybe he just you know, wants to be healthier and get jacked again. But hey, if he fucks around and has a match at Mania, I won’t be mad at him. Stone Cold forever.