
Who Hasn't Fallen Out Of A Waffle House Ceiling In Their Underwear Trying To Fight The Entire Restaurant?

He who has not fallen out of a Waffle House ceiling and tried to fight everyone cast the first stone. And you might be wondering, why did this pantsless man fall through the ceiling? Just your basic, run of the mill Alabama burglary attempt, but of course.

Fox 5 - Police in Alabama say a man not wearing any pants fell through the roof of a Waffle House during a botched burglary and fought patrons before fleeing.

The TimesDaily reports Tuscumbia police Detective Wes Holland says 27-year-old Glenn Bost is being sought on criminal mischief and burglary charges. Another suspect hasn’t been identified. Police Chief Tony Logan says the Birmingham man tried to break into the restaurant’s office through the ceiling.

Logan says Bost went into a bathroom, tied the door shut with his pants and climbed into the ceiling. He says an underwear-clad Bost then fell into the dining area and fought off patrons trying to detain him. Logan says Bost then fled, leaving behind his pants that contained his driver’s license.

Poor Glenn Bost. His plan made a ton of sense in his head. In fact, it’s actually extremely impressive that he was able to do some Alabama physics and tie the door shut with his pants. I’m pretty sure him figuring out how to tie a knot using his pants around a door knob automatically makes him the smartest person in Alabama not named Nick Saban. Unfortunately though, his plan to then…I guess I’m not sure what his plan was after that. Just crawl through the ceiling? Where was he headed and why did he need the go through the ceiling to get there? Seems he could have just, you know, walked the 50 feet across the restaurant to the cash register.

But that’s the beauty of going to the Waffle House. You don’t go just for some waffles. No sir. You go for the entertainment. It’s basically a Medieval Times for the South. You get some food, a show, and you never know what’s going to happen next. Man in his underwear tries to fight you? All part of the experience.




Reminds me of the best robbery attempt these eyes have ever seen: