
The Hot Chicken Finger Soda Dipper Girl Is Back And Yes She's Still a Psycho

Oh my God she’s back. The maniac has returned and she hasn’t changed one bit. Alexa was first discovered by me when I was watching the US Open a few months ago because I love tennis. There I was just enjoying a match and in seconds I had spit out whatever I had in my mouth because of the chaos that was unfolding on my TV. Just flat out disregarding the rules of life and dipping good chicken fingers into her coca cola.

We had her on Barstool Radio where she revealed to us she doesn’t even drink the soda. She buys it on the side as a condiment! Barbaric. Precime to the most extreme level. Yes she’s hot, but he’s probably a serial killer on the side. I want to run away from her, but she keeps pulling me back in.

