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Halloween Early Homestretch/PICDUMP

Volatility remains so fucking high as the handful of people who have money left continue to speculate if Trump is willing to negotiate with China on a trade pact.  Major indices jumping up or down 2% seems like the norm for the time being, and despite yesterday’s strength (and futures pointing to a higher open, at least for now), this overall market weakness will probably continue unless bulls see a Republican sweep in the mid-term elections, the Fed adopts a more dovish stance, and/or there is a resolution with the Chinese.

The sentiment in Technology has been especially poor as of late as the group seemed priced for perfection coming into quarterly results, but revenue results were unpredictably imperfect.  As a result (unless it can pull another rabbit out of its own ass), the NASDAQ is on track for its steepest monthly decline since November 2008.

But more importantly, it’s Halloween…


I really don’t give a fuck about Halloween, but I have to pretend that I do just for the benefit of my kids.  Still, I dress up every year.

Two years ago, I was Harambe…


And last year, I was Richard Simmons with a ridiculous wig that prevented me from doing that idiotic wine-icorn thing I like to do when I am drunk…


One very pleasant surprise for me has been just how boozy the holiday has become in the burbs.  I don’t remember seeing any alcohol-related trick or treating when I was a kid, but the drunks will be out in full force tonight (at least in my neighborhood), and I will be leading the charge.


I have 2 cheesecake vampire pics on my desktop that I am about to vomit onto your screen right now.  After that, I am going to finish up this radio show, tape a quick podcast, and run home to drink beer and eat a dozen full-size Snickers.


That pair of panties pictured above is barely doing its job, unlike the electrical tape below.


Happy Halloween, everyone.

Oh… Almost forgot:

     What do Auburn grads do on Halloween?

     Pump kin.

Take a report.
