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Elon Musk When Asked About Sending The Tweet That Cost Him And Tesla 40 Million Dollars: "Worth It"

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NBC News- When you’re a billionaire, you can apparently afford to tweet whatever you want. Tesla’s Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said his infamous tweet about taking the company private at $420 a share — a reference to marijuana that he hoped would make his girlfriend laugh — was “worth it.” That tweet, which was sent in August, cost Musk and Tesla $20 million apiece as part of a fraud settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission and led to him resigning as chairman of Tesla’s board of directors for the next three years.

I knew it! I fucking knew it! 40 million dollars is absolutely NOTHING to Elon Musk and I knew he was gonna eventually gloat about it on Twitter. A 40 million dollar fine? For a guy worth 20 billion? GTFO. Elon Musk wipes his ass with 40 million dollars. The SEC needed to fine him wayyyyyyyyyy more to make it matter and they didn’t. They fined him such a small amount of money that he took to Twitter and tweeted ‘worth it’. That tweet makes Elon Musk look like a badass for lighting 40 million dollars on fire and we simply can’t have Elon Musk looking like a badass. It makes me sick to my fucking stomach.

This is what I said in the original blog talking about the fine

Also, the 20 million dollar settlement is a bit of a letdown too. Elon Musk is worth like 20 billion dollars which means 20 million dollars is almost nothing to him. Elon Musk has 20 million dollars in-between the seats of his shitty Tesla. I thought the fraud investigation by the SEC was gonna do two things. I thought it was going to force him out as Tesla’s CEO and I thought it was going to fuck up his wallet in a substantial and meaningful way. Neither of those things have happened with this latest news.

I was right. Elon Musk couldn’t care less about 40 million dollars. It’s business as usual for him. This is how we’re gonna treat people who commit fraud? Shake my head at the Securities And Exchange Commission. They gotta do better or they’re gonna have billionaires like Elon Musk pea-cocking about how low their fines are. The SEC should make an example outta him.