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Is Chris Sale's Belly-Button Ring Story Just a Cover-up For HGH Injections? MY COLUMN

Christine Chris Sale went to the hospital the other day because of a stomach issue. Today we found out it was because of irritation caused by a belly ring. You may want to laugh at an adult man having a belly button ring because that’s something a 14 year old rebelling girl would get at the mall without her parents’ permission. Now the year is 2018 so I will refrain from judging what someone wants to do to their body (credit to me). I mean Carrabis wears a black ring on his ring finger because he’s “married to the game.” I digress, if you watched Chris Sale’s latest outing against the Astros, you saw him failing to reach 95 mph. He regularly sat around 92 mph and looked lost walking or hitting every batter he faced. For a guy who sat out a good chunk of the second half with an arm/shoulder issue, it was quite concerning to see a guy who usually is at 97+ look like that. As a fan of good baseball, it was hard to watch. So when this stomach issue came up as an excuse, my mind went elsewhere. What coverup are we talking about here? Now we’re talking about belly button rings? Well, as describes, the belly button area is one where HGH users tend to go to for their injections if they don’t have a lot of body fat. Hmmmm….

One reason why so many people choose to learn how to give HGH injections into the area around the stomach is due to the ease of access of this part of the body. Note that the medication is not actually being injected into the stomach, but it is only being injected just under the skin in the belly area which is easily accessed. The medication can be administered either above or below the belly button. When working in this area, the human growth hormones are injected subcutaneously below the skin. It is necessary to alter the location of the shot each day, moving from the right side to the left side, and even alternating above and below the belly button area. Some people find that the area above is less painful; however, these needles are so tiny that there is minor discomfort if any, and for the most part that disappears after a person gets used to these shots, which happens in just a short period of time.

I’m not saying Chris Sale has recently been taking HGH injections to try and get his arm strength back, but I’m not not saying that. I think it’s worth looking into if Major League Baseball has a shred of integrity. Do the right thing Manfred.