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Can I Be Honest For A Second? I Miss Wacky Longwinded Answer Interview Kyrie

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So with the Celts up North to take on the Raptors today, they had their media availability session earlier today. Naturally when I saw the video of Kyrie get tweeted out I got excited because I was ready for him to do his usual schtick of giving long worded answers that make no sense but are so entertaining you can’t help but listen. It’s one of my favorite parts about Kyrie being on this team, he always keeps you on your toes and by the end of it has you feeling like

Normally there’s nonsense about cosmic energy, interpersonal growth and development, just a bunch of nonsense where it literally did not matter what the question was. It basically went something like this

Media: “Kyrie, Tatum looked good tonight, what did you see?”

Kyrie: “He’s just a kid who has accepted his role in this universe and is understanding of the power we can provide him as teammates not only in this game but in life. His potential knows no limits and is only held back by what he is willing to do and how how he is willing to grow as a person. He inspired not only me, but generations worth of basketball fans”

But, for whatever reason Kyrie has stopped the bullshit. Here’s the interview from today

Now, he just looks tired of actually answering questions, and it’s October 19th. I did love the Brad quote he gave us of “Comparison is the thief of joy.” God dammit that Brad Stevens is wise beyond his years. I’m putting that near the top of my list of favorite Bradisms.

Now there’s a chance this is just my deranged brain talking, but do we think this sudden maturity is impacting Kyrie’s play? I mean we can all agree he did not look like himself on Tuesday night, and is that because he has stopped doing whatever it was that made him so fucking crazy last year? Think back to what we were given before the year started. Remember that First Take appearance when he said stuff like this?

“It never came from the fact of me wanting to be absolutely selfish and absolutely putting myself first, wanting to be the man,” he said. “I don’t really have an ego. I have a presence and an aura about me that’s very reality-based. It didn’t come in the form of living in this false world and not being able to tell the truth to somebody and look them in the eye and like, ‘I don’t want to do this anymore.”

“When you think about the journey, and you also put things into perspective for what they really are, it’s a truthful environment,” Irving said. “And I wasn’t getting that, and that’s where it really stands.”

And how did he look on Opening Night? How about 22/4/10 on 8-17 shooting and 4 3PM. Compare that to his 7/4/7 on 2-14 shooting performance on Tuesday, and how can we not look at all possibilities for what may be impacting his game? If it were up to me, I don’t want Kyrie to grow up. Think the world is flat, get back on your peyote, I don’t give a shit I just want you to play well. Get back to giving me answers that could be answered in 5 words but you give me 30. I’m not saying it’s time to freak out, but these are the things it is my responsibility to be on the lookout for. Remember we all have to do our part on our journey to raising another banner.

Oh and stop asking him about the Knicks. Like he said, who cares?