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The New Clippers CourtVision Looks Cool As Hell

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Well this rules. The basketball nerd in me is losing his shit over this creation from the Clippers. I knew when Steve Ballmer bought this team that they’d be at the forefront of some cool basketball technology that takes watching basketball to the next level, and if that video is any indication the new CourtVision is going to do just that.

Personally, I’m a big time sucker for this stuff. Part of the fun of watching basketball for me is the game within the game. I’m not saying I’m some analytics wizard or anything like this, but I don’t know how you could love basketball and not find this stuff really interesting. Showing plays and shit? Awesome. An energy bar like 2K? Making real life look like a video game will always be cool to me. I feel like same thing about the NBA and their virtual reality. While I’ve never done it, I really want to watch a game in VR, has anyone done it? Is it worth it? Just by looking at videos of it with my normal eyes, it seems pretty cool as well

It makes you wonder what watching the NBA will be like in say, year 2030. By that time we’ll probably all have chips implanted in our brain, and it’ll make us feel like we are on the wood whenever we want. Maybe we’ll know what it’s like to try and defend Curry or something. The possibilities are endless with where technology is headed, and it’s why I feel blessed to be growing up in this generation.

So bravo Clippers, I know we don’t do free ads around here, but that app looks awesome.