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Cool Dad Is Being Bullied By Other Parents For Dropping His Kid Off At School In His Ferrari 488 GTB

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Car - Most Ferrari models were designed with the race track in mind, but even the brand’s fastest models are still incredibly comfortable and for daily driving purposes. That’s exactly what one owner thought when he drove his son to school in his Ferrari 488 GTB.

While this sounds like a harmless action, the other parents and school faculty were not happy about it according to the South China Morning Post. Local newspapers say the father is now facing a social boycott simply for displaying his wealth.

Mr. Li, the owner of the 488, is a senior executive in a property development company. In his high position, Li earns four million yuan, the equivalent of $578,000 per year (more than enough to own a Ferrari). Unfortunately, other parents did not appreciate seeing Li drive the Ferrari to drop off his son from school and complained about it in a WeChat group. A teacher told Li that the car was leading to unhealthy comparisons in class and that he should drive a different car to school.

Many parents backed the teacher and messaged Li to use a different car. One parent said “It’s not proper. You should not show off, no matter how rich you are.” Another parent said “If it’s just dropping the kid at school, can’t you just use a regular car? You are not short of money anyway.”


Wahhhhhhhh, someone is dropping off their kid in their Ferrari 488 GTB, wahhhhhhhhhhhh. Give me a fucking break. That dad should buy a Ferrari 488 GTB in another color and drive his kid to school in that. And then buy another. And then buy another. That dad should go broke buying Ferarris just to stunt on the rest of the school. Don’t like what he drives his kid to school in the morning? Well then you should get off your ass and work harder so you can drive nice cars too. Imagine thinking “you should not show off, no matter how rich you are”. Uhhhhh, what’s the point of being rich if you aren’t showing off? And to be completely honest, I don’t even think he’s “showing off” per se. He’s just driving his car which happens to be awesome. He didn’t buy it to park it in the driveway, he bought it to you know, drive places. It’s really that simple. Jealousy is a stinky cologne, and those parents need to shower it off.

I honestly cannot believe they’d chirp him for being richer and cooler than them. It makes me kinda believe all the famous and hot celebrities when they say they were bullied as a kid. Or like when EmRat says she can’t be casted in a movie because she’s too good looking and they typecast her as the hot girl. Maybe it truly is rough sledding out there for the young, hot, and attracti…HAHAHAHHAHAHA I couldn’t even finish that sentence. If you’re hot, flaunt it. If you’re rich, flaunt it. And if you’re ugly, you better be funny. Or at least get a job where you’re supposed to be funny. That works too.