Alexis Ren Who? Evan Turner Would Rather Play Basketball With His Girlfriend's Double D's
I love Evan Turner. I don’t care that this is his girlfriend. Throwing out such an absurd line like this will make me chuckle every time. Does it make sense? Absolutely not. Does it matter? Absolutely not. I bet she smiled and that’s all that matters here.
The best thing is. This apparently has been going on for some time. Let’s take a look at some of these other gems. We’ll start with this one. Browns have a rally possum, Evan Turner’s girlfriend has an ass like a possum apparently:
Can never go wrong with a does the carpet match the drapes, especially asking your girlfriend the question. It’s just so corny that I will always laugh. I can’t help it.
So here we have Evan Turner out here on a Saturday afternoon trying to play basketball with his girlfriend’s Double D’s. I don’t even know what it means. Does he want to dribble them? Is he defending them? I have a lot of questions, but either way it’s a great line. I think you can only say it though if you’re a millionaire from playing hoops.
Now, taking a page from CBS and posting a bunch of Instagram clicks. This apparently gets me pageviews: