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Is New York New York Now A Boston Song?


So we debated this on the radio yesterday. In light of Aaron Judge’s antics after Game 2 when he blasted New York New York from a boom box walking past the Red Sox clubhouse only to be humiliated by Boston the rest of the way and have the Red Sox blast New York New York during their champagne celebration the question is now whether New York New York is officially a Boston song? I honestly think the answer is yes. Like if you’re going to pull this circus stunt you need to win the series. Because if you don’t you risk taking the most iconic song in the history of New York and ruining it forever. And that’s exactly what Aaron Judge did. Now whenever I hear this song I think of the Red Sox bashing the Yankees skulls in. It’s a symbol of our dominance. In fact If I were the Red Sox I’d actually play this before Dirty Water after we win games. New York New York is now ours. We own it just like we own the Yankees. It’s truly unbelievable how much this rivalry has changed in the last 20 years. We broke the Yankees, we broke the city and we even broke Frank Sinatra. Somewhere all dead Yankee fans are rolling over in their graves.