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Spittin' Chiclets Is A News Breaking Machine

Not. A. Big. Deal. Just casually beating the best hockey reporter to ever step foot on the planet on a scoop. Earlier today we reported that we heard that the Edmonton Oilers were going to sign Jason Garrison, who was on a PTO in Edmonton. A few hours later, the bobfather, Bob McKenzie confirmed our report.

Now, this isn’t something we have done before at Spittin’ Chiclets. It’s actually something the guys have made fun of before. That we aren’t in the class to break news, it isn’t out job. But things change and the boys are about to become a news breaking machine. So not only will we be having #1 overall picks on the podcast, we will now be breaking news.

Should the rest of the Big J’s out there be worried? I don’t know. It basically comes down to who is a faster texter. The player or the agent. Because why wouldn’t you want to text Ryan Whitney after you sign a deal? There is nothing that makes him happier than players getting paid. The joy in his eyes when I player signs a new deal is unlike anything I have ever seen. Or even text Biz after you sign for a night out on the town, because you know a night on the town with Biz is better than just about anyone else.

So maybe the hockey world should be worried, because Spittin’ Chiclets is coming.

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